Programmatic Advertising

If you are looking for the best experts in programmatic advertising, you are in the right place.

Discover everything you can achieve

But first… What is programmatic advertising?

Programmatic advertising is a method for purchasing advertising on digital media, based on user data (“Big Data”).

If you want to know what programmatic advertising is, you should know the concept of Real Time Bidding, the experience in which advertisers buy impressions from market agents and start an auction, the winner of which will be the highest bidder. This process is carried out on platforms known as “Ad exchange”.

How does programmatic advertising work?

Take advantage of all these benefits of programmatic advertising for your brand

Learn about all the formats and types of ads in programmatic advertising

Our Programmatic Advertising Agency has experience in Display Real Time Bidding campaigns, for ads that require greater visibility in premium media.

The so-called “native ads” or native advertising have the ability to organically acquire the format of the medium in which they are displayed. They are naturally integrated into the platform, without being noticed that they are ads. Some examples are present in digital press and blogs.

These types of video ads can be displayed in different parts of the webpage. Some known formats are in-text (or in-page) that are located in the middle of textual content. This format generates a great impact on the audience.

These video ads are integrated with the playback of other videos (such as advertising on YouTube). The ads are classified as pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll depending on when they are played.

Programmatic audio and podcast ads are served on specialized music platforms. In some cases, they are accompanied by visual reinforcement banners and are usually called “audio ads”.

Contact us to start your Programmatic Advertising campaign !

These are the goals of our Programmatic Advertising Compaigns

Why choose SEOcom as your next programmatic advertising agency?

  • We have extensive experience managing programmatic advertising campaigns.
  • We make decisions based on data and results.
  • We prepare easy-to-read reports so that you can control the evolution of your campaigns in real time and without problems.
  • We provide assistance and support at all times to be part of your team and work together.
  • We offer competitive costs and reliable and transparent strategies.

Contact us to start your Programmatic Advertising campaign and give your brand the visibility it needs!